XXIV ACSDA General Assembly


Virtual Meeting

About our General Assembly

The celebration of the XXIV General Assembly of ACSDA 2022 took place virtually on Tuesday April 5

This year’s Assembly focused on our activities and accomplishments during the past year and our immediate plans for the future.

This is the third consecutive year that the Assembly has been held virtually due to the impact of the pandemic.

During a very active year, we were pleased to report that ACSDA conducted 9 webinars via Zoom with simultaneous Spanish/English interpretation on a variety of subjects of relevance to our members. These webinars attracted in excess of 700 attendees from ACSDA member organizations, as well as friends and partners from a variety of organizations including the Federación Iberoamericana de Bolsas (FIAB). This could not have been possible without the ongoing support of ACSDA’s Webinar Series Program Sponsors: Euroclear, Nasdaq, Percival Software and Thomas Murray, and Supporting Partners that contributed speakers for the events.

Our General Assembly this year also included a summary of the activities of our Discussion Groups which have been focused on Corporate Actions and Tokenization, led by Strate and B3 respectively.

We look forward to a very productive 12 months until the next General Assembly and encourage members to be actively involved in the activities of your Association.

Thank you all for your support.