XXII ACSDA General Assembly



About our General Assembly

This year, as a precaution, and in an effort to help safeguard the well-being of all event participants, the Executive Committee made the decision to cancel the ACSDA General Assembly scheduled for April 30 to May 1, in Punta Cana. In its replacement, the XXII General Assembly, was held for the first time virtually on April 23, 2020.

This assembly focused on the presentation of the work plan and on the activities and achievements carried out during 2019. Also, on the retirement of one of the founding members of the Association in 1999, Mr. Jorge Hernán Jaramillo, who for the past 20 years was a permanent member of the Executive Committee, as Vice President from 2005 to 2013 and as President from 2013 to 2017. Jorge worked tirelessly for the benefit of ACSDA and its members and was the advocate for many of the Association’s most successful initiatives.

Without a doubt, the year 2021 will be full of challenges and one of the main objectives for the year is to create different working groups among the members of our Association to generate ideas and improve collaboration between members, with the aim of identifying future opportunities.

The first working groups will focus on virtual meetings where depositaries can comment on how they have been working and coping with the situation since COVID-19 began and ACSDA is committed to extending its educational program by holding future events that will increase participation of the members.

Our next General Assembly will be scheduled in the Dominican Republic and hosted by CEVALDOM. However, holding the event in person will be conditioned by the development of the pandemic situation and the approval by the new CEVALDOM administration committee.